The multiple lives of a paper bag

Paper shopping bags are increasingly being used in shops. They have long since caught up with plastic bags in terms of performance, strength and durability. They also surpass them in certain aspects, such as brand visibility. But it is the environmental benefits that make them the preferred choice for consumers and shop owners alike. Now, thanks to a study, we also know that reuse is more common than we thought.

A recent study reveals that 9 out of 10 customers keep paper bags for future reuse. According to the study, which analyses the patterns of use of paper bags by Spanish consumers, and which has been carried out by the market research company LinQ, 89% of those surveyed say that they keep the bags they are given in shops, in order to reuse them.

SOS bags without handles


And what do they reuse them for? 46% use them to store household items, particularly clothes and shoes, or household goods and utensils. And almost half of those surveyed say they reuse them for re-purchasing, confirming their reliability in terms of strength and durability. Also noteworthy is the 56% who reuse them at the end of their useful life to take paper and cardboard to the blue recycling bin.

SOS bags with cord-type handles


Consumers prefer shops to offer them paper bags. They like their design and the image conveyed by the shops that provide them, but above all they prefer them because of their environmental awareness. At García de Pou we use compostable inks in our designs and we have the PEFC® certificate, which certifies that the paper we use to manufacture them comes from sustainably managed forests. We have been manufacturing for almost 140 years and we have a wide range of 100% recyclable and reusable paper bags.

Recyclable and reusable paper bags


We have paper bags without handles, very useful in fast food establishments, take away, pharmacies, cafes or gift shops. The most popular are the «Times», with a vintage design inspired by old newspapers and the natural Kraft colour. We also have SOS bags with flat handles and drawstring handles. These bags are suitable for all types of shops and shops, of great strength and quality. In different designs: «Feel Green», «Times», «Arpillera» and monochrome. All of them, if you wish, we can personalise them with the colours and brand of your business.

Large bags


If what you need are bags of maximum capacity, capable of containing and transporting bulky items, we have a collection of «Traiteur» bags, specially designed for this purpose. With a wide base and reduced height, they allow trays and boxes of food to be carried without compromising the product in transit. Ideal for catering services. We even have bags suitable for pizza boxes.

SOS bags for bottles


The collection is completed by our elegant coloured bags, ideal for «Boutiques» and bottle bags, with the ideal size for one or two bottles of wine or liquor. All of them can be complemented with our closing stickers, which will give you more security.

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